Sunday 12 February 2012

The queue & the meal.

Thanks for the gif Valentin (
Imagine the (not 20% any longer) unemployed and 0 Euro (???) income citizens along with the rest of the employed – who won’t be getting paid – waiting in the queue for a meal.

Imagine the Greek Orthodox Church (who we all hate since it’s rich as a fat cow but never got taxation, not to mention that the priests are paid by the public sector), playing her dream role: that of the International Organization that diffuses the funds of the International Humanitarian Aid for bankrupt Greece and offering the meals outside the emblematic Byzantine churches. Where, of course, we’ll have to pay a visit and light a candle for the sake of our faith in God who joins our suffering in our most difficult period of the last half century.
Imagine having to share that queue with all sorts of immigrants: legal or illegal, law abiding and Greek speaking or petty thefts and drag merchants, all in the same queue with you. Your anger is so frustrating because you got attacked by ‘one of them ‘the other day again and since then you had your family staying inside and not exit the streets without your protection: the streets of Athens are a filthy and dangerous place since the bankruptcy.

Imagine trying to move away form the city and move to your country house but not being able to do so since you can’t afford the petrol, because you spent your last savings for some antibiotics that would otherwise cost much less. Then, not being able to get in a public buss, because you’ll still need a car to move around the country.

Still, when asked, I insist: I want to see either Justice or freedom.
Justice would be just the medicine for our misery. All those corrupt politicians, the members of the parliament, the crook banks and the highly paid public sector workers should find it as hard to cope as it is for the middle and lower class.

Then, I insist, freedom : 
-          let the voters’s voice be heard with a referendum and then reform with justice
-          campaign in favor of the European Union’s union – EU seems now as a loan shark
-          reform the EU

I am in no way saying we should abandon  the common currency but we should seek ways to act for the people instead of the banks and the corrupt minority.

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