Sunday 20 February 2011

I, too, have a dream

Thanks for the gif Valentin (

Dostoyevsky said “Beauty will save the world”. As enigmatic as it seems, I think I might have come across to a meaning of this phrase, just today, a quite Sunday morning, walking through the degraded historical-ghetto (as adopted to call the centre of Athens). This is to say that beauty is not only within us. Don’t get me wrong! In a philosophical discussion or a self improvement book, it is. But in real life Beauty is something we see, we touch, we feel. Beauty was today on the streets, in all races and ages, people may be beautiful. Women can wear some strange traditional African clothes, with the matching headband, or some leopard dress with a cream coloured wool jacket and still look pretty and self-conscious, or they might as well talk to strangers, bargaining their tariff (“I’ll do you for 25”, said the Bangladeshi to the redhead former-eastern-block hooker), and still look like a painting.

Friday 18 February 2011

Illegal Immigration in Greece

Thanks for the gif Valentin (

Comments on the article of the Economist The unstoppable flow In Greece and now Italy, illegal immigration is straining the European Union by Charlemagne.