Sunday 20 February 2011

I, too, have a dream

Thanks for the gif Valentin (

Dostoyevsky said “Beauty will save the world”. As enigmatic as it seems, I think I might have come across to a meaning of this phrase, just today, a quite Sunday morning, walking through the degraded historical-ghetto (as adopted to call the centre of Athens). This is to say that beauty is not only within us. Don’t get me wrong! In a philosophical discussion or a self improvement book, it is. But in real life Beauty is something we see, we touch, we feel. Beauty was today on the streets, in all races and ages, people may be beautiful. Women can wear some strange traditional African clothes, with the matching headband, or some leopard dress with a cream coloured wool jacket and still look pretty and self-conscious, or they might as well talk to strangers, bargaining their tariff (“I’ll do you for 25”, said the Bangladeshi to the redhead former-eastern-block hooker), and still look like a painting.

Someone may ask : “What about feelings? Do they feel pretty and at the same time suffer for survival? ”. I would then say that Beauty is actually not a sentiment, but it is an idea in the eyes of the ones who stares. Those people today probably felt like the world has come apart and there is “no life to live”. But through my eyes, beauty did not need a context of happiness. It was there and I can manifest to that.

If you can see beauty around, it means there’s hope and solution. There are dreams still waiting to come to the surface. My own watching proved that we can create our own revolution and improve our social life by start granting political asylum to all human beings in Greece, so far. Not to rush into conclusions, though. I am against open borders and suggest we do so only under the term that at the same time, we seal the borders (with fences and more military presence). After we’ve done that, and during this process, if our European Union partners start to notice the flow moving towards their dreamy capitals, we ‘ll denounce the IMF and the Sheagen Treaty (by then, the grand majority will already have left for Northern Climates) and reconstruct this poor country. Our revolution will be financial and humanitarian. The Arabic world is not that far from Greece, is it?

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